My Travel Bucket List- San Miguel de Allende

The travel bug is a natural part of who I am. Having been born in Mexico, and moved to New York at age five, I’d like to think that I am inclined to travel more.
However, even though I was born in Mexico, and I visit it almost once a year for the past twenty years, I haven’t explored many parts of it. I have never really been anywhere other than my hometown and a few cities not too far from it. That’s why this year, I decided to go on a three day trip to San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato. It has been on my travel bucket list for a while.

My mom and I were set to visit my grandmother, and I was bent on visiting San Miguel for a few days on my own. I researched a bit of the history of this UNESCO World Heritage site and I swooned over the hashtag on Instagram. After quite a bit of researching, I booked an AirBnb close to the city center and invited my cousin to go on the trip with me.

We booked a taxi to drive us the almost three hours it took to get there. We stayed in a beautiful home called “Casita de Connie” a few blocks from the main plaza. Staying there, we had beautiful views of the city and enjoyed a delicious breakfast with homemade tortillas. It almost felt as if we’d been welcomed into an aunt’s home, with how much she took care of us.

The two days were spent exploring the colorful city and admiring the colonial architecture. It was easy to see why San Miguel is known as El Corazon de Mexico, “the heart of Mexico.” Walking around felt like you were walking through history. Down almost every street, you found a piece of the birth of Mexico. It was hard not to feel emotional.

The easiest way to explore, however, was by booking a guided trolley tour. I always love taking these kinds of tours. I learn so much more than when I am on my own, and it makes getting around easier. Sometimes they have access to views or sites you wouldn’t have access to on your own.

Overall, it was an amazing informative trip, and I’m glad I was able to cross San Miguel de Allende on my travel bucket list. I would certainly go back and stay longer next time.
Where would you like to visit this year?
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