Puzzle pieces

“Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle.” -Lewis Carroll, Alice In Wonderland
For me it certainly feels like a puzzle, but one I can’t seem to solve. Especially because it seems as if I don’t have the corner pieces, or any of the edges and try as I might, no one will let me see the front of the box so I can cheat my way through. That’s really why I’ve started this blog: to see if I can figure it out.
I’ve always sucked at introductions. I’m more of a skip ahead to full on conversations as if we’ve known each other for years rather than meander about the blatant awkwardness of introductory small talk. Besides, it’s really hard to write about yourself. Like really hard.
But let me get the basics out of the way. I’m Jazmin and this is where I’ll ramble on about life, food, travel and friends. Maybe along the way I’ll find a few more of those edge pieces to try and piece the puzzle together.
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Food, Glorious Food
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